Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
To accelerate publication of any article/paper, the following editorial instructions and policies should be strictly followed when submitting manuscripts for consideration. Manuscripts should be word-processed in MS Word Software and written in concise English. Expression should be simple and declarative. Local vernaculars maybe used only when their use is unavoidable.
Original works should be in line with the following organization: Abstract, Key words, Text (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgement and References). The text should not exceed twelve pages of A4 size, double spaced with a maximum of six figures and six tables
Special contributions
The text should not exceed fifteen pages of A4 size in double line-spaced typing using Times New Romans font size 12. The references should be minimal. Tables and figures are optional.
Letter to the Editor
This section will publish comments related to works recently published in the journal. It will also accept works which, due to their shortness do not constitute an original article. Letter should not exceed ten citations. The number of authors should not exceed six.
Manuscript preparation
Manuscript should be presented in the following order and all pages numbered consecutively (Title page, Abstract (250-300 words), Key words, Introduction, Materials and method, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements and References.
Figures and Tables should closely follow the text to which they are related. Author(s) will be responsible for the accuracy of all references in the text and the list at the end of the paper. Author(s) are also requested to submit their complete names and addresses, including e-mail (compulsory) and phone numbers. Only accessible references should be used. Citation in the text should be made as consecutive numbers in box brackets (The American Medical Association AMA style) e.g [10]. All references so made be listed at the end of the paper serially using Arabic numerals.
Guidelines for creating Tables and Figures
In presenting a particular result, either a table or a figure should be used and not both. Tables must be created with MS Word Table Tool. Do not use columns and tabs within the word processing program. Ensure that all vertical lines are removed. Tables created in any other format will be returned to the authors for proper formatting. Tables must also be in black and white.
Figure lettering. Symbols and numbering should be clear and large enough to remain legible when reduced. Place figure keys within figure. Figure can be created using MS Excel, MS Word and Harvard Graphics etc. Make line drawings as simple as possible. Many computer generated figures, e.g three dimensional graphs and unusual symbols cannot be reproduced satisfactorily when reduced and should therefore be avoided.
All figures must be saved as JPEG formats. Figures (Images/photographs) regardless of application used, all electronic images and photographs must be saved and sent in the following formats: JPEG, and BMP at a minimum of 500 dpi. Please do not supply embedded images in your document. Send them as separate files. You can also send laser-print images or photographs if electronic format is unavailable.
Author(s) are advised to adhere to these guidelines, as failure will delay the publications of accepted manuscripts.
List of references to articles in regular journals should contain (i) names of author(s), (ii) year of publication, (iii) full title of the article, (iv) full name of the journal (italicized) volume, issue and page numbers. A very limited list of references will be preferred in order to save print space so as to publish more scholarly papers from other contributors.
For book references; surname of author(s) should be followed by initials, year of publication, title of publication in italics, name of publisher; place of publication and number of pages. In case of proceedings, edited symposia, etc., name of author(s) should be followed by initials, years of publication, title of publication only in italics, name of publisher; place of publication and page number(s). Contributors are implored to refer to the current volume of the journal for compliance in writing their references. The accuracy and correctness of the manuscripts, in all respect are the exclusive responsibilities of the author(s). The journal format must be strictly adapted throughout, and author(s) should take great pain in editing and proof-reading their own manuscripts to avoid undue rejection.
The journal however, prefers to publish many short different articles in one volume than few excessively long ones in order to maintain balance of subject matter and satisfy a large proportion of readers and contributors.
All works accepted for publication becomes property of Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences. Published works should not be reproduced in total or in part without a written permission from the publisher. Works which have been previously published, or simultaneously submitted to order journals will not be accepted.