Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

(ISSN: 2635 – 3067)

Volume 1, No. 1,  2018
Pages 65-73


The Repair of a Distal (one – third) Tibial Fracture in a Local Cock (Gallus gallus domesticus)

*Okafor R. O. S1., Onah, J. A1., Omamegbe J. O.,1 Ajagbe O. A.,2 Ogbe A.O3 and Audu, Z.4
1Department of Veterinary Surgery,
2Veterinary Teaching Hospital, 3Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Abuja.
4Vet Care Clinics, Abuja.


A local cock(Gallus gallus domesticus) weighing 1.2 kg and kept as a pet was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH), University of Abuja (UA) with the chief complaint of right limb lameness for three days. A close observation showed that the limb was dangling and had a fresh cut on the skin at the distal 1/3 of the tibia. The region was swollen and had a light-greenish colour suspected to be a sign of gangrene formation. Radiographic examination of the region confirmed a complete oblique simple fracture of the distal 1/3 of the tibia of the right limb. The cause of the fracture was unknown. Under Xylazine hydrochloride and Ketamine hydrochloride anaesthesia, the fracture was repaired through an open reduction with intramedullary pin. Eleven days post-surgery, the cock was found to bear slight weight on the limb. Clinical examination three weeks post operation showed normal usage of the limb and radiological evidence of good fracture healing. The intramedullary pinning appeared to be effective for the management of this simple tibial fracture in the local cock. This report appears to be the first intensive fracture repair documented in the local cock..
Keywords: Fracture. Gallus Domesticus. Open Reduction. Intramedullary Pin.

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