Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences


Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

(ISSN: 2659 – 0743)

Volume 1, No. 2,  2018
Pages 9-17

Surgical Excision of A Suspected Squamous Cell Carcinoma
In The Prepuce of A 7-year Old Albino Stallion: A Case Report 

Onah, J. A1”; Okafor, R. O. S1‘; Omamegbe, J. O1‘; Adeyemo, B. T2; Aisha, U. Z3; Olutayo, D. 03; Akibobola. J. S3; Tijani, K. O3; Ajagbe, O. A3; Egwu, G.O3; Ogbe, A. O4; Umeakuana, P. U4; Adamu, A5; Audu, Z6.
1Department of Veterinary Surgery, 2Department of Veterinary Pathology,
3Veterinary Teaching Hospital, 4Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Abuja, 5Department of Veterinary Public Health; 6Vet Care Clinics, Abuja.


A 7-year old albino stallion weighing approximately 294.6 kilograms was presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH), University of Abuja (UA) with the chief complaint of a growth on the prepuce. Physical examination revealed the presence of a cauliflower-like growth with its base on the preputial skin and the adjoining preputial mucosa at the left ventral quadrant of the preputial ring. The growth was reported to have been much smaller when it was first observed about three months prior to presentation but kept increasing in size as the horse continued scratching and nibbling at it. There were signs of pain on palpation of the growth. The horse was sedated with Xylazine, anaesthesised with Ketamine and cast in a left lateral recumbency. The growth was excised at its base with a margin of healthy skin laterally and mucosa medially using two elliptical incisions. The incision on the preputial sub-cutaneous and sub-mucosal tissues was sutured with absorbable chromic catgut using a simple continuous suture pattern while the preputial skin was sutured to the preputial mucosa with silk in a simple interrupted suture pattern. The horse recovered uneventfully from anaesthesia 53 minutes post-surgery. Piroxicam, Procaine penicillin, Streptomycin and tetanus toxoid were administered during the peri-operative period. The skin-mucosal sutures were removed fourteen days post-surgery. Telephone calls and subsequent ambulatory visits revealed that there has not been a recurrence of the tumour three years after its excision. The outcome of this surgical management suggests that an en-block excision is a reliable surgical option for the management of adequately circumscribed preputial benign tumours such as Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) in stallions.

Keywords: Horse; Prepuce; Carcinoma; Local Excision; Albino; Stallion.

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