Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
(ISSN: 2659 – 0743)
Volume 2, No. 1, 2020
Pages 88-99
DOI: 10.36108/jvbs/9102.20.0111
The Effects of Bonny Light Crude Oil (Blco) on the Helminth Parasite Heligmosomoides Bakeri (Polygrus) of Mice.
Chukwu V. E.*1, Nwodo O. O.2, Okonkwo J. C.3, Opara M. N.1’
1 Department of Veterinary parasitology and Entomology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Abuja
2Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture and natural resource management, Ebonyi State University, Abakiliki.
3Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
This study examined the effect of crude oil on Heligmosomoides bakeri in albino mice. A total of 35 albino mice of 5-8 weeks were used for this study. The mice were randomly divided into five groups (A, B, C, D and E) of 5 mice each and infected with 0.13ml of H. bakeri larvae. Mice in the first two groups (A and B) were given crude oil per os at the concentrations of 0.2 and 0.05 mg/ml respectively. Those in group C were given Albendazole and group D infected but not treated. Group E was used as a naïve control group. Two other groups F and G were used for toxicity test. All mice were observed for clinical signs and symptoms of abnormality all through the study and all parameters were assessed following standard procedures for 5 weeks. Administration of crude oil per os to mice in groups A and B at the dose levels used in this study showed no significant (p>0.05) changes in PCV, body weight and fecal egg counts of the mice. There was a significant (p<0.05) difference in larval mortality test between the crude oil treated groups compared to the control group by their movement (if normal, moving or dead i.e. no observed motion within 10 mins). The Albendazole group C had the least worm burden and fecal egg count compared to the groups treated with different concentration of Crude oil. In conclusion, it may be suggested that heavily infected animals may not respond to treatment with crude oil against nematodes which discredit the unorthodox folklore medicine for parasitic treatment by some rural. Its effect on the worms appeared to be transient.
Keywords: Heligmosomoides bakeri, mice, Albendazole, Bonny Light Crude Oil