Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
(ISSN: 2659 – 0743)
Volume 2, No. 1, 2020
Pages 218-229
Coconut Water Can Prevent Cardiopulmonary Problems in Broiler by Improving Maternal Antibody, Antioxidant, Haematological and Lipid Parameters
Bello I. I.1, Balogun A. H.2, and Agbato O. A.3
1Department of Animal Health and Production Technology, Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora, Oyo State, Nigeria.
2Nigeria Veterinary Research Institute, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
3Department of Animal Production, Federal College of Health and Production Technology, Moor Plantation, Ibadan
Coconut water is useful in the management of cardiovascular disturbance. Its effects on haematological parameters, relevant organs, antioxidant enzyme, lipid profile and antibody against Newcastle disease virus were assessed in broiler chicks. Control, CW100 and CW200 groups received water, 100 ml and 200 ml of coconut water /1 of water for 28 days respectively. Samples were collected to evaluate CBC, antioxidant enzymes level, lipid profile, antibody against NDV and histological changes. Mean ± SEM values were calculated and compared for significance differences using one-way ANOVA. MCV increased in CW100 while MCH and platelets count were higher in CW100 and CW200. Serum total cholesterol and triglyceride levels decreased while SOD and GPx levels increased in CW100. The antibody against NDV in CW100 and CW200 increased at day 12 but reduced in CW100 at day 28. Pulmonary oedema, congestion of hepatic central vein and cardiac hypertrophy were mild in CW100 and CW200. These results showed that coconut water had potential to prevent cardiopulmonary problems in broilers.
Keywords: Coconut Water, Antioxidants, Lipid Profile, Haematological Parameters, Newcastle Disease Antibody Titre