Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
(ISSN: 2659 – 0743)
Volume 5, No. 2, 2023
Pages 51-59
DOI: 10.36108/jvbs/3202.50.0260
Comparative Evaluation of Topical and Local infiltration of Lignocaine Hydrochloride in Kano Brown Does
Okafor, R. O. S.*1 and Obiajulu, G. O.2*
1Department of Veterinary Surgery, University of Abuja, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nigeria.
2Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Ekiti State, Nigeria
The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of pain elimination and onset of anaesthetic activity by topical lignocaine spray with subcutaneous infiltration of lignocaine hydrochloride (LH) through assessment of the effects on vital parameters and pain responses in Kano Brown does. Fourteen does aged 1-3 years were randomly divided into two equal groups (A and B). The does were shaved at the left flank, group A does were infiltrated with 5 mL of LH while does of group B were administered with LH topically. A needle prick test was then carried out post administration in both groups, clinical and behavioral pain responses were assessed over a 2 hours period. Group A recorded a higher pulse rate (85.14± 6.02 bpm) as compared to group B (82.29 ± 4.68 bpm), respiratory rate was significantly (p<0.05) lower in group A (20.00±1.23cpm) as compared to group B (25.71± 1.47 cpm) and a lower rectal temperature was recorded in group A (38.63± 0.35ºc) in comparison to Does of group B (39.11 ± 0.07ºC). The locally infiltrated group recorded no sign of pain throughout the needle prick test while variations in pain responses were recorded in topical LH administered group. 71% of the topical spray (TS) does exhibited signs of pain immediately post spray, 57% exhibited pain response at 60 and 180 seconds, and 43% at 300 seconds. When the needle prick was carried out at 600 seconds, 14% of the TS does showed signs of pain at first prick while 29% recorded pain signs on second needle prick. No signs of pain was recorded at 1200 (20 minutes) and 1800 (30 minutes) seconds in the TS does. It was concluded, that subcutaneous infiltration of LH had a faster onset of action, last longer and provides better analgesia/anesthesia than topical lignocaine spray.
Keywords: Lignocaine; Local infiltration; Topical administration; pain, Kano Brown Does.