Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

(ISSN: 2659 – 0743)

Volume 6, No. 2,  2024
Pages 108-119

DOI: 10.36108/jvbs/4202.60.0211

Prevalence of Clinical Cases of Cats Presented at Veterinary Clinics in Abuja Muncipal Area Council (AMAC) in FCT, Abuja Nigeria

Umeakuana, P. U.,1 Ogwuche, B. 1 and Onah J. A.2
1Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Abuja
2Department of Veterinary Surgery, University of Abuja.


The study investigated the prevalence of clinical conditions in cats presented to the two selected Veterinary clinics in Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) from July to November 2023. A total of 591 Cases of pet species were presented to the two selected clinics of which 366/591 (61.93%) were dogs, 209/591(35.36) Cats, 12/591(2.03%) Birds, 2/591(0.34%) Rabbits and 2/591(0.34%) Tortoise. The most occurring clinical Condition in cats were Helminthosis (7.66%)/209 followed by open wound 9/209 (4.31%). October period has the highest number of cases 72/209(34.35%) followed by September 52/209(24.88%) while the month with lowest cat cases was November 23/209(11.00%). The mostly presented breed was Domestic short hair with frequency of 134/209(64.11%) followed by Persian 47/209(22.49%). female were more presented to the selected clinics111/209 (53.11%) than males 98/209 (46.89%), and junior cats aged 7 months to 2 years were mostly presented with the highest frequency of 93/209(44.50%) followed by kittens 46/209(22.01%). Cats with full confinement has the highest frequency 133/209(63.64%) followed by partial confinement 71/209(33.97) while the lowest is nonconfinement 5/209(2.39%). Requests for routine check and vaccination were the major reasons cat owners present their cats to the Veterinary clinics, with a frequency of 71/209(33.97%). Keeping in view these finding, an appropriate prevention and control strategies could be designed and applied against various disease condition in cat in the study area.

Keywords: AMAC; Cat; Diagnoses; Diseases; Primary complaints

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